Betriebsstätte Düsseldorf
Wesermünder Straße 15
40221 Düsseldorf, Germany
F +49 211 17160424
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Discover the world of REMONDIS with its approx. 900 branches and associated companies in over 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
GRANOVA is a registered brand of REMEX GmbH and its subsidiaries and associated companies. Below you will find a list of our certified companies and locations where we process incinerator bottom ash from Waste-to-Energy plants. Click on the appropriate location in the table below to find your personal contact.
Betriebsstätte Düsseldorf
Wesermünder Straße 15
40221 Düsseldorf, Germany
F +49 211 17160424
Am Fallhammer 1
40221 Düsseldorf, Germany
F +49 211 17160-420
MAV Krefeld GmbH
Betriebsstätte Erftstadt
Tonstraße 6
50374 Erftstadt, Germany
F +49 2235 68482-22
REMEX SüdWest GmbH
Betriebsstätte KAZ Kaiserslautern
67657 Kaiserslautern, Germany
F +49 631 341117-7250
BAUREKA Baustoff-Recycling GmbH
Dennhäuser Straße 118
34134 Kassel, Germany
F +49 561 861848-11
MAV Kelheim GmbH
Süd-Chemie-Straße 3
93309 Kelheim, Germany
F +49 9441 709-61
MAV Krefeld GmbH
Bataverstraße 9
47809 Krefeld, Germany
F +49 2151 574-849
MAV Lünen GmbH
Buchenberg 38a-70
44532 Lünen, Germany
F +49 2306 20343-10
REMEX SüdWest GmbH
Betriebsstätte MFI Mannheim
Diffenéstraße / Friesenheimer Insel
68169 Mannheim, Germany
F +49 621 31-2722
Betriebsstätte Oberhausen
Buschhausener Straße 158
46049 Oberhausen, Germany
F +49 208 26185
HEROS Sluiskil B.V.
Office and operation
Oostkade 5
4541 HH Sluiskil, Netherlands
F +31 1154 72749
REMEX Minerals Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Office Singapore
25 International Business Park
609916 Singapore, Singapore
In addition to the plants mentioned above, we also operate a large number of other recycling sites and operating facilities, e.g. for the production of recycled aggregates. For a complete overview please visit our online location tool.